I heard a a song ....a song that i cannot sing ...i don't want to hum ....
thats because i find it offensive ...well yeah ..i find it offensive to the very idea of songs.
This is a song titled Ringa-Ringa from the movie Arya-2.The telugu movie industry has had more that its share of obscene songs and so this is no different.Well yes its no different except for the fact that in no time our little kids are going to dance these numbers on one of those god forsaken reality television shows.Going by the lyrics the songs ..well...describes how a girl from a foreign country came over to Andhra pradesh and became a prostitute...so its for us ot decide now whether we need to let this song play in our living rooms or make sure such things are properly censored.
having said this ...iam not right wing extremist or a religious fundamentalist planing to ban Vandemataram or the valentines day.iam just another concerned guy who thinks the movie makers,song writers should realize that Movie and television are a great force that have way too much impacts on our lives.....
i hope and wish that this songs gets censored soon or gets an Adult certificate atleast ....